Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hiking Up Mount Davidson in San Francisco

As it turns out, our new house is only 0.9 miles from the trailhead that goes up to the top of Mt. Davidson. From the trailhead to the top there is an additional climb of about 0.5 miles (according to the health app on my phone, the total climb is equivalent to going up 40 floors!).  Well, as I realized that, I decided that would be the hike that would replace the walk to Lafayette Park I used to do when we lived up in Nob Hill. For the past couple of days, I have loaded my 27 lbs baby onto the Ergo carrier and up we've gone. He loves it and I do too. I joke that he was the reason I got out of shape and now he is helping me get back in shape by acting as an almost 30-pound pack!

Anyway, here are some photos I've taken on my way up. Most of these were taken with my phone because I don't really feel like adding the weight of my camera on top of that of my kid!

Hope you enjoy these photos. The walk is lovely. It goes up winding roads and secret narrow alleyways. Once of top, you get the most amazing panoramic view of San Francisco, the East Bay, the bay and even Mount Diablo! Just lovely! And, the fact that we leave before the sun rises, makes everything even more beautiful!

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